Boat trip with Voga Makarska - Jelsa Hvar - Bol Brac

Boat trip with Voga Makarska - Jelsa Hvar - Bol Brac

Boat trip with Voga Makarska - Jelsa Hvar - Bol Brac

18.06.2024 by GoToAdria

VOGA  - ideal for families and couples that want to relax and visit Hvar and Brac, and take a swim in the world famous beaches on Bol.
It is a one day trip, lasting from 8:15 am to 6 pm. The trip starts in Makarska harbour at 8:15 am, so it will be a good idea to arrive a bit earlier.
First stop after an hour and a half is Jelsa on island Hvar. The guests have one hour for sightseeing and buying souvenirs, then they go back on the ship just in time for lunch. There are three options on the menu- fish, meat or vegetarian + glass of a white wine or juice. Meanwhile, the boat is on the way to the island Brac ( lasting approx one hour )
We arrive at Bol at 12 h, and guests have free time from 12 h - 16 h. You can spend it exploring the Bol and buying souvenirs or you can visit the famous beach Zlatni Rat. We return to Makarska at 18 h.


THE PRICE: The price of a trip to nearby islands is 50,00 € per person.
The price includes:
- trip to nearby islands
-welcome drink upon the arrival
- lunch ( you can choose from 3 menu, fish (mackerel), meat (chicken) or vegetarian (grilled vegetables) + glass of white wine or juice + salad + bread
-delivering the tickets to your hotel

The ship is equipped with two air-conditioned salons, TV, WIFI, 4 bathrooms, sunbathe spots on deck and covered part of the deck, kitchen, bar where you can buy different drinks. ice cream, bagels, etc

Passengers and ship are ensured in high standard during the trip

Children ages 0-4 do not pay for a ticket, and children ages 5-10 pay 25,00 €. ( *** In the high season, this can change, so please contacts us for more information )


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